Research Focus
In the Loose Lab, we investigate the mechanisms of protein self-organization to understand how proteins interact and coordinate to generate the complex behaviors essential for life.
Rather than studying these phenomena within whole cells, we take a bottom-up synthetic biology approach. By reconstructing cellular processes from purified components in vitro, we gain precise control over experimental conditions and insight into the fundamental principles that drive biological organization.
Our primary research interests include the mechanisms underlying bacterial cell division and small GTPase signaling pathways. We work closely with experts in bacterial cell biology, structural biology, and soft matter physics to deepen our understanding of these systems.
Ultimately, our goal is to uncover the physicochemical principles of self-organization in living cells.
About the Loose Lab
The Loose Lab is part of the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), located in Klosterneuburg, close to Vienna, Austria. Our research is currently funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the European Research Council (ERC)